van morrison have i told you lately

Were you the gentleman doing squats in the rehab section of The Strongest Shall Survive by any chance? Wich is totaly true but you could also have added that Bill Starr was his mentor and that he was a competitive powerlifter from 1979 to 1988. The Strongest Shall Survive program (the link is in the article) is another great program and one I got some great newbie gains back in the day. The power clean tutorial you asked about: This is one of the best if not the best power clean tutorial on the internet, so if you cannot get hands on coaching by a weightlifting coach, this tutorial will work. Thanks. Manly isolations, bicep curls, ect.. The fact that most of Starting Strength practicioners are beginners makes for an awesome pool of trainers who will follow him blindly and continue to snowball the Starting Strength cult with incorrect information so long as they are zombified from the insulin response to the gallon of milk that their god forces them to consume every single day. It should be like this in the United States too. At this point in time all you have to do is pick something and put your mind to it. This is how I feel when I happen to read a “bro” parroting Mark Rippetoe’s advice on the Power Clean. Required fields are marked *. Seriously, what’s up with that. Kind of like Crossfit as a matter of fact. I got mine (new) back in 2002 from a weightlifting/strength training shop which I believe is no longer doing business. The height of the bar at the top of the lift will vary depending on arm and leg length, as well as placement of the feet. I have never understood the obsession with Starting Strength. I think your observation on Mark is dead on. What’s funnier is that I have yet to see anyone doing Starting Strength who is actually strong or looks mildly good (and I am also talking about those doing the intermediate and advanced routines of the program). American lifters have the worst technique of all international lifters and you won’t catch a single US lifter remaining feet on the ground until extension. Nick did specifically state that he was the model in the rehab section of Bill’s book. It doesn’t fit in a healthy way of life, and besides, using drugs for some more muscle? In your power clean tutorial, you say “The triple extension is … the consequence of exploding the barbell up into the air… All your points of flexion (ankles, knees and hips) are straightened…” I don’t think anybody disagrees with that, but isn’t a vertical jump the same thing as an explosive straightening of the ankles, knees, and hips? I think the proof of the pudding is in tasting. Yes, I was totally going for body wt in the press. Forcing a high hip power clean technique is a waste of air. The bar is forward – you can tell because she has to take two steps forward after racking the weight. I want to become stronger and am looking for an absolute beginners workout. In addition, the muscle building reward is questionable and often comes with wrist strain and bruises. The powerclean is a variant of an Olympic lift (i.e. A full squat with double bodyweight is a long term goal for you; say a year. All coaches I have trained with have never referenced jumping, but they have all referenced diving under the barbell. Some 6 months later my squat was OK but my deadlift was lacking a lot. Hope all is well. gym newbies). I would not be surprised if whoever it is you are referring to would be part of the same population Rogelio is calling “cultists”. If you read the rest of my articles, you will notice that I write tongue in cheek because having people look at other options when they are brainwashed is hard enough as it is. Cringe AF. Or where I could find information/videso about it? People need to grow up and realize that exercises are just tools designed to improve your skills, conditionning and strength. Mark Rippetoe has power cleaned 275lbs. Lastly, 99.99999% of personal trainers do not know how to perform a correct powerclean. It’s an upward rotation. Toning is a word made up to fool housewives into buying the latest gimmick and snake oil, kind of like P90x actually (since you ask about my opinion on that program). The point of this article is to showcase that Starting Strength is just ONE of the many other workout programs that a newbie can use. His focus on the first pull is humorous at best, especially since a study, conducted by a SS coach no less, failed to show any benefit from this more “efficient” start position. Since Rogelio commented that he liked my contributions (you may regret saying that) I figured I’d help with the “update.” And if you want to cut and past this into a new blog post please feel free – it’s all yours and I won’t claim a copyright. Consequently, the barbell row is a superior choice when it comes to “mass construction“. Bill Starr was not a technicality focused coach with his trainees and was much more driven by getting everyone strong. Too little actual exercise in Starting Strength IMO I switched over to a program with more volume and made much better gains after a year and a half of Starting Strength. All Rights Reserved. Hi Rogelio, thanks for all the great articles! They go into great detail why they don’t teach the shrug. This has been the source of a prolonged and heated debate between the defenders of both exercises. PS I think Rippetoe and Kilgore’s book was great and I think their definition and strength standards for the different trainee classifications is fairly reliable. Not what some or many advocate, 60 minute maximum for testosterone/cortisol . Also what do you think of P90x? Workout A: Squat, Press, Deadlift Workout B: Squat, Bench, Power clean, Chin-up. However, if you applied my modifications to the Starting Strength routine, it would not be Starting Strength any more but another routine/program. But wouldn’t the bag go the highest if one were to actually perform a vertical jump and jump as high as possible while throwing the bag? I have done the same too back when I was starting, thought it was all muscle but if the waistline goes up, you got fat. Rippetoe also comes across as this tough guy pseudo alpha male figure who basically said that US weightlifters should quit f*cking around with technique and just get strong. Some of his instruction on the main lifts are wrong and I have shared my thoughts with him. What’s the difference between the setup position for a deadlift versus the setup for the clean? Bill Starr should be selling millions of books if the world we live in were a fair world. That doesn’t stop the bro-science from flowing within the Crossfit circle and I’ve seen the top Crossfitters spread massive bro-science on the Olympic lifts. I am a powerlifter but started as a weightlifter for 4 years (did some comps, done 242/324 as a 207) and I can vouch for Rogelio’s stance on the power clean, there is no active jumping in the clean or power cleaning and coaches do not teach one to jump when learning the clean. For example, someone who weighs 180 who can currently only squat 160 x 5 and has a short-term goal of a 1 rep max of 1.8 times their bodyweight(335 x 1) and a main goal of 2.4 times bodyweight(440 x 1). I have two questions: 1.) Mark Rippetoe is a legend in his own mind. No serious weightlifting coaches will ever advocate doing a jump. I don’t currently have a trainer, but am meeting with one tomorrow night to see how that goes. Is it still so problematic? The key is to not become a gym “couch potato” like many guys do in their 40s and older do when they join a gym; keep working focused and ALWAYS keep adding more weight since extra volume is less tolerable due to the decline in testosterone levels, among other consequences of aging. “Jump and shrug” is a faulty cue that is used to teach the power clean. Yes it’s Linear programming I get that but there isn’t much volume at anything over 80%. You mention several times that one should not “jump” as part of the power clean. I happen be from NY and Trump is hated here. For one, I know 3 men who are over 50 years old who have done this (2 of them had never worked out in their life and they started at 49 and 51), but then, 3 is a low number, but so is the amount of people reading my website and aiming to reach those numbers at age 50 and who can physically do these exercises to begin with. I am not questioning your efforts but it is very easy to fool oneself into thinking all the gains are muscle when one gains so much weight. Oly lifter here. Yeah, it’s an unimaginable WTF scenario, but it’s a concise parallel to what Mark Rippetoe does with his own power-clean methodology. Also, do you have access to a gym with free weights, an Olympic barberll (Long barbell with revolving sleeves) and a squat rack? He has lost the respect of many powerlifters in the last years and not just the strength community in general. Rippetoe is known for his my-way-or-high-way outlook on lifting, especially for beginners. For example, like you mentioned: However, I’d like to also point out that at least age-wise, someone who is nearing 50 years old could potentially reach those numbers under the right supervision. Starting Strength, as it is, is a good program for beginners. Fortunately, I had enough common sense NOT to drink the SS koolaid and I was open-minded enough to try other methods when I was stuck power cleaning a measly 135-lb. There is an appropriate way to make the gains though the program and that tends to be best accomplished under the direction of a coach and/or nutritionist with strength training experience. Regards, He says this reduces wrist and elbow strain, but I also found that it makes your elbows push out more horizontally than other techniques, which then causes the back angle to be lower and makes it more difficult to keep the chest upright than if the elbows were more vertical. I really appreciate your comments being inside the industry as they parallel what I’ve been told by others inside too. You just cannot make this up, only Rippetoe, the king of weak fat trainers, would be so adamant with his stupidity. Been training for 5 months (from nov2011-march2012), 3 day split with many iso’s, gained around 18 lbs, but not much strength. Please read the paragraph of my tutorial again: the bag is started from the floor, you don’t (vertical) jump from a crouched position, do you. This creates an echo chamber in which only what his followers want to hear gets repeated. So I guess he’s not completely evil if he sent me a free book, but the squat chapter did not adequately address my criticism. However, I don’t think beating the guy down for figuring out how to market a tweaked existing strength training methodology and earn himself a living is a bit unfair. In one of the videos he says to bow the hips forward, “as far as you can” and then snap back as you thrust the weight over your head. Many lifters have a hard time learning how to perform a real power clean and usually do a cheated reverse curl. What's better for back development - barbell rows or power cleans? Running is not my cup of tea. 2) Use compound movements. As weight lifters we are familiar with our power stance, our squat stance and the value of each. Now thanks to you and my own research I understand that his version of the power clean is wrong and I have to look elsewere on how to perform it correctly. I don’t see how anyone can be confused how he explains how the press. OK, getting past that critique, thank you very much for pointing out the incorrect power clean technique by Mark Rippetoe. He strongly advices not to do 20 nor 10 reps. It is a very athletic and explosive exercise (and a lot of fun) but it should be learnt for best results under instruction. Many thanks for your comment. also, what other program is better for a novice then one that has linear progression? I’m getting my CSCS certification and I’ve been only lifting for 6 years. However, what is wrong with that? I have trained with oly lifters who have broken their arms, legs and hips and managed to get back to their old badass selves. But I feel fine and burn some calories along the way. Not entirely sure where to stop, but I am at 185 pounds now; not sure of 1RMs but I would estimate deadlift at 340 5RM; bench about 170 5RM, squat around 260 5RM. 2) The videos you have seen of the Olympic press (what you refer to as military press) are videos taken in the 1950s and 1960s. When the authors say there is no reason to focus on the shrug because it happens naturally as part of the rest of the movement, is that actually an insidious subliminal code to get me to practice the jump-and-shrug without realizing it? Just don’t do power cleans if you do Starting Strength. I actually came to that same conclusion myself earlier this week before you had replied. Your email address will not be published. However, with heavy weights, your feet will not necessarily leave the ground even if you jump as hard as you can. 1) I used a variation of my Manly Strength program, instead of training 3 days per week, I was training 5 or even 6 times per week, full body. If you are wasting time going up in the air when the barbell is already flying up, you are not going to maximise the lift, which equates to not moving big weights no matter how strong your posterior chain may be. My second question is nutrition, what does my diet need to be like ? Yes, I was coached in Europe. Bill Starr was a former Olympic weightlifter in the 60s and 70s who had walked the walk before talking the talk. Of course. Its not rocket science folks, “The power clean technique is of course similar to deads to avoid confusion. Since the early days of Starting Strength and its brother StrongLifts people have been wondering what’s better for back development – power cleans or barbell rows. I’m still a noob and can only barely squat 500 but I’m proud as hell about every pound. Mark NEVER advise everyone to eat like pigs only ceartain people. Not even the charlatans in charge of the strength programs at major American universities. Starting Strength has you doing this, so go on this propgram if you like it (I think it is a good program for beginners). It was when I moved to a place where people do train and will have you train hard even though your noob that I got the gains I wanted in the beginning of my lifting career. I would sacrifice results for health, as most people training in gym. I did Starting Strength for 4 months and all I got was getting fat and my other lifts actually went down. Agreeing with your points made though I train 50/50 bodybuilding/strength. I used to barbell clean and press after those two and that was enough for that workout! If his book is similar to the one of his mentor I guess the mentor has done a good job teaching his student. The deadlift and clean are very functional movements that everyone should be utilizing in their training, so performing them correctly is crucial! Given I’m an ectomorph, I can easily keep the %fat ratio in check without even having to try. Starting Strength, they answer. I haven’t gotten that far in his book but after hearing the concensus about this deficiency, I found a copy of Bill Starr’s book to help offset this issue. It may be until one is 40 or 60, but strength training is the healthiest thing a male could ever do in his life. Just about any powerlifter will admit that one reason you can lift more low bar is because positioning the bar lower creates a leverage advantage. Hi, 1) Rippetoe teaches a squat technique that is different from that of an Olympic squat. Starting Strength is just another routine, it is not the Holy Grail of strength training as so many Starting Strength advocates would have you believe, and it is not the only way to get stronger if you are just a simple gym goer who just wants to look good naked! Since the power clean is not exactly a common movement, the option to replace it with a regular barbell row was added. Was better at powerlifting the 3 points above and practise some more?. Ones do go pro, 90 % of them will give me results moving backward not just the minimum strive! Just you exploding the barbell body transformation day schedule of my dream jobs is coach., first of all, I understood your comment: 0dca734edfe3eeffd6f8c698b4a8e10b, the barbell over the term! Correct powerclean my adult life drug free reader that there is more to the Strength... Those sports was not a coach but I seem to be many ways to get second and third opinions specialists! Technique is so bad on our guys that we never medal and do. 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